I wish you'd listen closer to the songs I play, because the lyrics speak the words I fail to say.
I wanna throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many people act wasted.
I want to be the girl you point to and say "that's her".
The life I really want to live only exists in my daydreams.
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit international Chloé sunglasses giveaway on my blog: http://anastasija-stasha.blogspot.com/2012/03/international-sunglasses-giveaway-chloe.html
...vsak dan pokukam če je kaj novega in ko vidim da je, je samo mojih tistih par minut ko prebiram te besede... super je!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe veseli, hvala. :)
IzbrišiReally great work. Heart felt.